EducationCode With Us
“Education is the fundamental building block for the advancement of individuals & societies along with mutual respect and fairness. Innovative solutions that address education inequities and barriers (quality content, qualified teachers, access, affordability), and creates means towards dignified livelihoods & fair standards-of-living all over the world”
Founder Story
Code With Us, is a Silicon-valley based EdTech innovative company that is addressing the massive supply and demand gap that exists today as the economies across all sectors and geographies make rapid transition from a brick-and-mortar heavy model to a digital world. In US alone, 1.4million openings for software related jobs existed in 2021. Enabling platforms for this transition, from digital manufacturing to precision medicine to individually-tailored apparel to self-driving cars, all rely on software brains. Today’s schooling systems find them unequipped to prepare young graduates with requisite job-ready skills as a very large number of high-school graduates, for variety of factors, choose to enter the job market. Existing solutions like coding bootcamps fail to serve the need for a big majority given the time duration and high-fees requirements, while virtual self-help approaches provide partial answers. Net result is that the lower-income group youth find it very hard to benefit from high-growth segment of the new economy and advance on economic ladder. Code With Us founders led by CEO Avesta Sabetian took their first-hand nearly two-decades experience in the field, particularly their close interactions with low-income communities, to develop a simple-to-use but highly structured Coding Learning curriculum that schools can use to teach their K-12 students and ensure they are job-ready and have equal chance in the new economy. Combining both a purpose-built curriculum and trained & curated bench of tutors, they have a fully-ready solution for schools to use with very attractive and affordable entry points.
Interview with Code With Us Co-Founder- Yasser
Description and Compelling Attributes
Code With US solution has two key components to make it easy and affordable for schools to use in a way that integrates seamlessly with their existing classroom based teacher-delivered instruction model. It has structured curriculum that suits different grades in K-12 spectrum and can be slotted to fit the scheduling structure of each school (e.g., one hour per week to 4 hours per day or more) and class sizes and delivery requirements (on-premises or hybrid). The second component is the qualified, trained and curated bench of tutors who are from the local geographies and deliver the classes in school’s campus setting. To achieve targeted affordability, Code With Us has developed a great model to tap into a sizable pool of talented college and university computer science students as well as recent graduates with desire for flexible and multi-dimensional professional careers.

Give the efficiencies of one-time capital investment in building the curriculum and tutor-training & management capabilities, and then leverage of flexible local tutor talent pool using well-developed processes and tools, overall model is highly scalable and cost-efficient.
The same overall solution structure supports delivery via bootcamps, summer programs, and direct-to-consumer (both in-person or virtual), thus providing many packaging, pricing and delivery options aligning with different segments’ affordability, time and location requirements.
Code With US solution’s capital efficiency (very low upfront capital requirements), centralized infrastructure (curriculum & tutor recruiting-to-onboarding), and adaptability to local economic costs (tutors), makes it very easy to replicate in all markets, especially low-income economies facing even more acute demand-and-supply gaps for new world of digital economy – for both home sectors as well as to compete at the world stage.
Entrepreneurs can take Code With US’ existing business model and easily adapt it to local needs in terms of delivery model, packaging, pricing, support and integration with other complimentary products & services.
With simple-to-implement and transformational-in-impact solutions like Code With US, world has a much better prospect to achieve economic and educational equity, all through the powers of technology and innovation, without dependence on slow-moving Government efforts and uncertainty of philanthropic models.
We invite all entrepreneurs to embrace Code With Us’s promising innovation, bring quality computer literacy at the doorstop of all deserving school kids and extend it into new frontiers.