

“Education is the fundamental building block for the advancement of individuals & societies along with mutual respect and fairness.  Innovative solutions that address education inequities and barriers (quality content, qualified teachers, access, affordability), and creates means towards dignified livelihoods & fair standards-of-living all over the world”

Raj Valli, Founder & CEO

Founder Story

“I started Thinkster Math with the goal of disrupting education by changing the way we learn by helping us all understand how we think.   Through this understanding, we can fundamentally shift the very foundation of how we ingest information and hone critical thinking skills without end.  We can remove the ceilings we impose on ourselves that limit our knowledge base using artificial intelligence to enable personalized tutoring. We have become a world leader in a short period of time with unprecedented performance metrics.  Thinkster successfully combines the best aspects of man and machine to offer a superior learning experience for students across the world.

My dream is to deliver low cost, highly effective, and personalized education to the world and be the first technology-driven digital university that breaks down the walls of high tuitions, selection criteria, and the many barriers that prohibit equal opportunity for the masses.”

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Description and Compelling Attributes

Thinkster’s augmented learning solution for K-8 Math delivers a very innovative solution that, with its ML/AI software-delivered tutoring over the cloud to any screen-based device, offers infinite scaling to any part of the world overcoming content and teacher availability barriers. And it does that with a business model that is very cost-efficient, and accessible wherever mobile connectivity has reached — which is most of humanity now. Further, it delivers the learning at a far superior quality & experience with assured results. It has already achieved outstanding success with 60k+ students from 30+ countries. Thinkster platform is very versatile and capable of ingesting any learning content (academic or vocational) and then delivering the same efficiencies and scale for exponential impact on the world in education and livelihoods. Thinkster is already in the process of expanding to K-12 STEM and higher-degree testing segments. It is a perfect solution as the world adjusts to rapid transitions to virtual/remote education driven by COVID-19 disruptions to societies.

My dream is to deliver low cost, highly effective, and personalized education to the world and be the first technology-driven digital university that breaks down the walls of high tuitions, selection criteria, and the many barriers that prohibit equal opportunity for the masses.”


With a centralized technology infrastructure for cloud-based delivery, the Thinkster platform is very capital efficient requiring minimal incremental capital requirements for rapid scaling to ALL parts of the world. It makes it possible for students all over the world, regardless of the location and backgrounds (economic & cultural), to receive a quality education in one of the most foundational subjects (Math) for long-term success. No matter what the starting baseline is, it enables all students to achieve their full potential at their own individual pace and aspirations.

Math curriculum being fairly standard across the globe, a solution is ready to be taken to hundreds of cities and countries. Local language adaptation and tweaks to align with country-specific requirements would be a fairly manageable effort. The platform is ready for an extension to other subjects (such as science and technology, languages) and vocational skills (such as computer coding or health-education or financial literacy).

My dream is to deliver low cost, highly effective, and personalized education to the world and be the first technology-driven digital university that breaks down the walls of high tuitions, selection criteria, and the many barriers that prohibit equal opportunity for the masses.”


Imagine a world where learning Math and other academic subjects is not handicapped by availability of all the books and related resources, by availability of enough qualified teachers, and affordability and demands of other obligations in life. Imagine a world where new vocational skills can be imparted to the masses to uplift them or to transition them (from older economy to new) to give them a fair chance in life. Image doing that at a scale and speed where it does not have to take decades, rather just a few years or even months!

Math curriculum being fairly standard across the globe, a solution is ready to be taken to hundreds of cities and countries. Local language adaptation and tweaks to align with country-specific requirements would be a fairly manageable effort. The platform is ready for an extension to other subjects (such as science and technology, languages) and vocational skills (such as computer coding or health-education or financial literacy).

My dream is to deliver low cost, highly effective, and personalized education to the world and be the first technology-driven digital university that breaks down the walls of high tuitions, selection criteria, and the many barriers that prohibit equal opportunity for the masses.”

We invite ALL who are education-cause-focused entrepreneurs and entities (private, public, NGOs) looking to transform the education and learning landscape in their towns and countries. We invite ALL content experts and providers to bring their content to benefit masses and targets ALL over the world not just in their neighborhoods.

Math curriculum being fairly standard across the globe, a solution is ready to be taken to hundreds of cities and countries. Local language adaptation and tweaks to align with country-specific requirements would be a fairly manageable effort. The platform is ready for an extension to other subjects (such as science and technology, languages) and vocational skills (such as computer coding or health-education or financial literacy).

My dream is to deliver low cost, highly effective, and personalized education to the world and be the first technology-driven digital university that breaks down the walls of high tuitions, selection criteria, and the many barriers that prohibit equal opportunity for the masses.”